Emprendedora Technical High School

A representation of investment in long-term, sustainable education.

The Entrepreneurial Technical High School, also known as Emprendedora is a unique self-sustaining school that provides its students with vocational degrees in sustainable agriculture or tourism. Emprendedora has a special focus on technology, business, and English within its typical curriculum. Emprendedora works to form leaders through a learn-by-doing model. Students gain real-life experience within their desired career long before they graduate high school.

The Need

Nicaragua is the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with 75% of the population living below the poverty line. Nicaragua’s lack of public investment in education is reflected in its low graduation rates with less than 76% of students finishing elementary school and less than 30% complete secondary school.

Our Impact

students graduated


retention rate


of graduates continuing their education


of graduates joining the work force


of graduates working and continuing school


Investing in the Future

Opportunity believes in investing in future generations. In Nicaragua, where less than 10% of rural youth finish high school, we have invested in a school model which helps students develop skills in tourism and agriculture. The school is designed to be completely self-sufficient through the sale of products from the small business operating within the school’s programming.

Emprendendora was founded in part by Opportunity International Nicaragua. To learn more about other Opportunity International initiatives in Nicaragua, click on the button below.