About Us

Founded in part by Opportunity International, Emprendedora Technical High School or Emprendedora is a self-sustaining school that builds upon current community development work in Nicaragua while also serving as a model school for other communities. Emprendendora provides students with a quality technical education with the practical skills needed for economic, social, and spiritual development—not only for themselves but for their families and communities as well.

Our school is unique as we provide students with both a traditional high school diploma as well as a technical vocational certificate in either sustainable agriculture or tourism. Additionally, we have an extremely large emphasis on English at our school. Students at Emprendendora complete more than twice the amount of required English classes per week. We hope to help contribute to lasting transformation in rural Nicaragua by helping promote sustainable development and encouraging youth entrepreneurship in these two promising industries.

Career Preparedness Through Technical Degrees

Emprendedora operates a chicken hatchery and organic farms with a variety of produce. Some of the products within this garden include commercial crops such as lettuce, tomato, green pepper, Yucca, and Curcuma. In addition, the school partners with private-sector businesses to offer short-term internships to students in restaurants, hotels, tourism agencies, etc. By teaching young people skills specific to the local economy, we prepare youth for employment with both the theoretical and practical experience needed to successfully return to their family farm or business, be gainfully employed, or continue on to college.

Self-Sustaining School

The school is unique in that its entrepreneurial focus will be taught in the classroom as well as modeled in the school’s own operations. This learning-by-doing model helps to directly prepare students for the workplace.

By preparing high-school graduates to succeed, Emprendedora is hopeful to create lasting change in the region and give these future entrepreneurs the skills to become self-sufficient, learn how to use technology, demonstrate flexible skills to resolve problems and use resources effectively to contribute to their community’s economy.

Faith-Based Learning

With committed, experienced teachers that are mature in their faith and can provide a Christ-centered environment of learning, the school will produce the highest-quality education available.  The school focuses on teaching Christian values throughout each academic course so that students learn and reflect on these values in their lives and how they can implement the values in the life of their community.