Student Profiles

Darling is a student at Emprendedora Technical High School graduating this December in 2022. Born and raised in the community of Guapinol, Diriomo, she lives only a couple of minutes away from Emprendedora. The youngest out of her 7 siblings, she is the only child in her family to attend private school. At school, Darling finds that her English classes are the most engaging but she prefers her science classes (physics, chemistry, and math).

During her student profile interview, Darling talked at length about how excellent the teachers are at Emprendedora both academically and personally. She stated that they were willing to go above and beyond to find the best ways to adjust classes for her and her peers to understand the material. She also likes that there is such an emphasis on a learn-by-doing method of education and feels Emprendedora is preparing her for her career and future.

After graduating in December, Darling plans to go to a university to study agricultural engineering. Since starting the agriculture technical track at Emprendedora, Darling says she has learned different farming techniques that are not used by her family. She has been able to learn specific strategies to help protect crops from disease and maximize their yield. Her dream is to have her own fully functioning organic farm one day. While Darling admits Empendora can be a lot of work, she emphasizes how the care shown by the teachers and the high level of education is invaluable. She appreciates how her time at Emprendedora has prepared her for the future. With her technical degree in agriculture, Darling feels prepared to continue her studies to one day implement this knowledge on her very own farm.

“It’s an excellent high school that helps so much in the formation of our values.” -Darling



Jonathan is a student in the current graduating class at Emprendedora. Born and raised in San Juan de Oriente, he lives with his parents and his two younger brothers. At just 10 years old, Jonathan started helping his parents with his family run their artisan pottery business.

Since starting at Emprendedora in 7th grade, Jonathan says he has come to recognize how valuable this education is for his future. In 9th grade, Jonathan was able to choose the technical study of tourism at Emprendedora, his first big decision regarding his future career. Through Emprendedora, Jonathan is able to gain crucial experience in the tourism industry and learn all of the skills and techniques necessary to maintain a hotel.

During his interview, Jonathan states that when he first got to Emprendedora, he didn’t have any vision of his future and didn’t see himself working or studying at a university. However, now after Jonathan graduates this coming December, Jonathan plans to go to a university in the capital city of Managua for degrees in tourism and then Gastronomy. At the same time, he will be working to help support his younger brothers in their education and future. Jonathan also says that he dreams of one day owning his own restaurant.

“After spending a couple of years here at Emprendedora around the teachers and my classmates, they made me look more towards the future – my work, my life, my degree, and the value of education.” - Jonathan